Wanting to create a successful, sustainable coaching culture? Tip #4 – “Coachee Readiness”

Continuing with our series of tips from our two decades of experience in building successful, sustainable #coachingcultures.

“Coachee readiness” plays an integral to opening the door to leaders efficiently and successfully shifting their style increasingly towards a coaching approach.

We consistently see leaders emerge with great energy and excitement for a new way of being, and leading, from their coaching capability education programme.

From our experience, if their coachee’s are open and willing to step into a coaching style conversation, it is motivating, reassuring and rewarding for the leader. This experience encourages further, and consistent, application of coaching skills which then inherently further develop and embed on the job.

Conversely, if your newly trained leader meets resistance from their team/coachees, this can often diminish the conviction to continue with leading in this way. It feels easier to go back to just telling!

it is imperative that the organisation plans for how to ready the team members/coachees for this new approach to leading, to set up the coaching culture project for success.

Our passion is to partner with organisations that truly seek sustainable change to one that elevates humanity and potential through coaching. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch via www.coach-global.com or www.coachingaust.com. Please also do feel free to call on +61 413 889 996 should you like to discuss your vision for a coaching culture.

You can see our previous tips either on the Coach Global or Coaching Australia website, or throughout our LinkedIn thread

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#coaching #culturechange #integrity #sustainability #behaviourchange #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #vision #intention #CGCA #coachingculture #leader #culture